Eco Shamba Tree Farm
Tourism icons Sailaway Port Douglas and Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas have collaborated to create a new koala eucalyptus plantation, Eco Shamba Tree Farm. Sixty-eight acres of land that used to be cane paddocks, was donated by Sailaway to be home to 250 different eucalyptus species.
Due to the significant amount of water available from the catchment and from the adjacent slopes of World Heritage-listed rainforest, the Wet Tropics, a dam was constructed as an irrigation reservoir, and to improve the biodiversity of the habitat as well as preventing erosion.
The original trees planted in 2013 were harvested in 2020 and contributed to providing the 400-500 grams of eucalyptus leaf that each koala at Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas consumes per day. The plant provides 100% of its water requirements.
Please contact Eco Shamba Tree Farm for opportunities to assist at the eucalyptus plantation and help to look after these Aussie furry friends.