Bureau Brief

BECGBR issues our Bureau Brief e-newsletter every 6-8 weeks. Our database of industry contacts receives an update on business events-related information, what’s new in the region, highlights from members and any other key news. We invite our members to submit content for the next Bureau Brief.

New members images needed

To help support any marketing activity and to keep our resources fresh and up-to-date, we are seeking new business events images and videos that BECGBR can use or add to our Tourism Tropical North Queensland media library. Email [email protected] to supply new imagery.

Marketing co-op opportunities

From time to time, advertising opportunities present themselves through BECGBR from conferences, meetings, and incentive publications or media outlets. BECGBR will forward these opportunities to our members by way of a member notice e-newsletter.

We wish to support any marketing initiatives undertaken by our members, please email proposals to [email protected].